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Picture Perfect
All photos belong to Me as the Artist and may not be used or published without My written consent and permission under Copyright law. These images are solely for your pure private enjoyment--if these images are found anywhere else besides My media, full legal action will be taken.
I am open to suggestions of future photography shoots and welcome collaborations. Custom photo sets begin at $500 for 5 images and are priced additionally by theme. Additional costs may result from the purchase of props, multiple models, and anything else the photographer may need to create the art. The original requester will receive a full printed and signed 4x6, 5x7, or 8x10 set of the photos.
Photo prints are available for purchase - just copy and paste the image links you want out of the set in an email to me, and I will calculate it for you in an invoice. During Checkout, be sure your mailing address is current before sending payment. Requests for specific prints to be signed and/or kissed is welcomed. Complete photo sets are priced at a discount!
Keep up-to-date with newest photo sets on this page, My Instagram and My Twitter. The ARCHIVES below are categorized by year and are in chronological order from January to December. There are left + right arrows on each slideshow to navigate My artwork. Click on your desired photo sets to view the full respective pages before purchasing - prices begin at the base rates listed~
♦️ 4x6: $7
♦️ 5x7: $9
♦️ 8x10: $20
♦️ 8x12: $24
♦️ 11x14: $30
♦️ 16x20: $36
♦️ 20x30: $42
♦️ Sets of 4x6: Priced by quantity
♦️ Custom Casual 4x6 [non-nude]: $10 [email to request]
♦️ Custom Polaroid: $25+ [email to request]
Latest Development
What's more romantic than being tied up in coordinating outfits? Exclusive behind-the-scenes on Onlyfans, Youtube, + Patreon in varying spiciness. Models: @moo_moo_momo_ + @maradomina. Photos by AV; Editing + Styling by @maradomina.
Photographic Archives
18 U.S.C. §2257 Records Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement:
All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual portrayal of actual or simulated explicit conduct appearing on, or otherwise contained in this website were over the age of eighteen (18) years at the time the visual image was produced. Records required by Title 18 U.S.C. §2257 are on file by Yours Truly.
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